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Andermatt Swiss Alps AG

Entreprise créer en: 2007, Catégorie: services aux entreprises | activité: conseil immobilier

Adresse: Gotthardstrasse 2, Andermatt
6490 - Kanton Uri , Uri

Nature of business: It is responsible for the development, planning realisation and the future operation of the new, integrated holiday destination of Andermatt Swiss Alps in the Swiss mountain village of Andermatt. Parent company: • Orascom Development Holding AG, Gotthardstrasse 12, CH-6460 Altdorf (CH), Tel: +41 41 874 17 17, Fax: +41 41 874 17 07, www.orascomdh.com Branch: • Andermatt Swiss Alps, Steinmühleplatz 1, CH-8001 Zürich (CH), Tel: +41 58 211 04 00 Statutory auditors: • Deloitte AG, Zürich

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